人家沒修圖啦~ 「世界最長鼻子汪」有31cm長 網讚嘆:正面更不真實

Despite the breed originating from Russia and Belarus as wolfhounds, this borzoi is not a barker and is extremely friendly. are VIRGINIA: THIS DOG could have the biggest nose in the world after measuring in at a whopping TWELVE INCHES. Adorable images show Eris (2), the large-nosed borzoi, frolicking in the garden, proudly posing for the camera whilst wearing a dandelion in her hair and playing with her toys. Other photos show the sheer length of her sizable schnoz which spans a whopping 12.2 inches, and a family portrait taken on her recent birthday. Eris has just celebrated her 2nd year on May 19, 2020. Jewellery store owner, Lily Kambourian (27) from Richmond, US, first adopted her on July 23, 2018. The Virginian uses an iPhone XR to post pics of her pooch on their Instagram account which is nearing almost 200,000 followers. Named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, the canine's full title is jokingly 'Madam Eris Overbite, Queen of Snoots'. mediadrumimages/ErisTheBorzoi/@eriszoi

網路上有很多可愛的狗狗,但維吉尼亞2歲蘇俄牧羊犬Eris卻憑大鼻子引起了網友們的關注。這隻狗狗的鼻子接近31cm,可能是全世界鼻子最長的狗狗!主人Lily Kambourian將牠的照片po到Instagram上,現在已經有17萬多粉絲了~





















