日美聯合軍演! 美海軍航艦睽違5年首度進入日本海

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Shutterstock (12702323a) The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) transits the Atlantic Ocean during a strait transit exercise in the Atlantic Ocean. Abraham Lincoln is underway conducting Composite Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX) with Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 12. The components of CSG 12 embody a "team-of-teams" concept, combining advanced surface, air and systems assets to create and sustain operational capability. This enables them to prepare for and conduct global operations, have effective and lasting command and control, and demonstrate dedication and commitment to becoming the strongest warfighting force for the Navy and the nation., the USS Abraham Lincoln departed from San Diego on a regularly scheduled deployment for the first time under Captain Amy Bauernschmidt's command. She is the first woman to lead one of the Navy's 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Mandatory USS Abraham Lincoln Departs for Deployment with Captain Amy Bauernschmidt in Command, XSE - 03 Jan 2022


根據《日本放送協會》拍攝到的畫面,美軍第7艦隊核動力航空母艦林肯號(USS Abraham Lincoln)11日向東航行,通過對馬海峽。而在林肯號的周邊,還有驅逐艦「斯普魯恩斯號」(USS Spruance)以及日本海上自衛隊護衛艦「電號」(JS Inazuma, DD-105)等船艦同航,一同在日本海進行共同訓練。



